Thursday 5 May 2011

evaluation question 4- How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

New media' is a term used in media studies to describe the emerging on demand media that became available towards the later part of the 20th century. Most technologies that are described as 'new media' are digital and can often have features such as manipulation ( adobe photoshop) , network connection (the Internet) and the ability to be interactive (online gaming).

1: Blogger. This is what I am using throughout the whole course. It is where I upload my coursework and is a very modern approach to coursework and without it our coursework wouldn't look the same and probably be in some paper folder and not have the same effect.

2. YouTube. YouTube was a great resource as we used it to conduct research into short films, allowing us to watch a wide range of short films. It is also where we upload our final product. Without this website research into short films would've been very difficult and our final product would probably be put on a DVD if YouTube wasn't available. As I also used YouTube as a resource for example short films I would have great difficulty in finding short films if it wasn't there. If YouTube wasn't here I would have had to go to a short film festival or perhaps to a cinema as short films are sometimes shown before the actual film. This would be extremely long winded and take a long time to gather my resources, and also I wouldn't be able to go back to the video if its shown at a festival as the festival isn't always there.

3. Memory Stick. This was used to transfer work done at home to the school computers and vice-versa. It allowed us to have more than one place with the documents, so if we lost it on the school network there is always a back up. Without this a lot of work would remain in one place and not get completed as early as possible. I would also have to print a lot of work out and move it from one place to another if I wanted to work on it somewhere else.

4. Mobile phone. This was used for communication between myself, the other group members, Mrs Shipp and our actors. Without mobile communication, the process of organising filming between the group members and the actors would've been considerably harder and a much longer process. If we didn't have a mobile phone we could have used a landline telephone. The problem with this is that people only pick up the landline if they are in the house, however if they aren't at home then I have no way of communicating with them.

5. Digital SLR Camera. This was used to take pictures during filming and of our postcards. This allowed a high quality picture to be taken, not comprimising the quality of the final product. If we didn't have this camera we could use a lower quality film camera. This would comprimise the quality of the pictures and they are also heavy and expensive.

6. Computer. This was a key peice of equipment in our coursework as it had so many programs that we used to research, plan and construct our film. Some of the programmes we used include windows office, adobe photoshop, the internet and an film editing programme. We used all these at different points of our coursework with Microsoft word being the ideal programme for a lot of pre-production documents, adobe photoshop was used in the creation of my postcard, the internet was used to access blogger, youtube and many more resources and the editing programme to put the film together. If the technology was unavaliable we would've had to splice the film together, written many documents out by hand and not be able to manipulate images to get what we wanted out of them.

7. Sony PD150 Video Camera. This was used to film our entire short film. This had a high quality resolution, giving us the best quality film. If I didn't have this during filming we would have used a film camera, which is ridiculously expensive, big and hard to use.

8. Email/ Hotmail. This is very similar to the memory stick as it was basically another way for me to transfer documents from one place to another. It offers a viral place to store documents, so if the computers crash, or I lose my memory stick I can access my emails and take the document from there. Also I can use it to contact other members of my group or actors via email. If email was unavaliable I would have to make many copies of may documents for everyone else, which would take a ridiculous amount of time and comprimise the eventual quality of the film.

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