Thursday 6 January 2011

post 7- Creating your own script

Creating my script was perhaps one of the hardest tasks during this course. I found it hard to come up with a creditable idea that could be achieved in such a short amount of time, and also creating an idea that is also do-able with limited resources. It turned out the class were also having a problem deciding on their own script idea. Our teacher noticed that we were taking inspiration from very heavy social realist films, and decided that we needed to see a lighter film that was very simplistic in its roots. She reccomended that we watched 'Signs'.

After watching 'Signs' I began to realsie that dialgoue isn't totally an essential part of creating a script, as within 'Signs' there is no dialogue from the main characters, only from the supporting characters. The main characters talk to each other through writing and drawing on peices of paper. This would prove influential in my script writing as I aimed to be more creative and braoden my ideas.

My original idea was based upon two people, who had possibly had a relationship and then as the film progresses we realsie that one of them isn't real and is in fact trying to save the other from deperession. I always intended to have a twist at the end as I intended to leave the audience guessing until the end as to what their relationship is.

We were informed what to do when it came to creating a narrative. We were told a good place to get an idea about writing a script is to think about the end and then the begginning and finally working out what happens in the middle. We were also told to establish the characters and the world in which they live.
I decided to create my character profile first as it allowed me to work on the relationship between the characters. I decided that their relationship was one of childhood love. However I needed the main character 'Lucas' to have a dark side which would come back into his life within the film and that 'Kate' was his meaning in life and it was slowly going to fall to peices during the film.

I decided to have an outline for my plot as I believed that by establishing the plot I could elaborate from that and come up with ideas.

The film would establish the isolation that Lucas is feeling and how he is struggling to come to terms with what he has done. I also wanted to include Kate as much as possible so that the audience believed that she was real, when in fact she would be a ghost, who is trying to help Lucas forgive himself. The film would continue to watch Lucas as he doesn't believe she is there and that she is all in his mind. The plot would conclude with Lucas realising it isn't in his mind and she in fact trying to help him.

I was influenced by how in the short film 'Signs' the characters communicate through writting on paper. This gave me the idea of how Kate instead of engaging in full conversations with Lucas she could leave messages for him. From this I had the idea of using subtle messages instead of obvious messages. (Insert screengrabs of messages in film).
This gave me a problem of how to give across the subtle messages. I decided that because the film was entirely based in Lucas' house it should be objects you would find in a house. I concluded that we could manipulate leaflets to read out a message, and also use magnetic letters on a fridge.

From then on I knew what I intended to write and began writing my script based on this plotline and the ideas that I had produced from it.

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